Get a Free Security AnalysisHeartland Security serves and protects over 8,000 families and businesses in the Midwest. Our success is based on our understanding that our clients not only want to feel secure in their home and businesses, but know their security systems are backed with commitment to deliver long-term value through exceptional service, superior and reliable equipment, and competitive pricing. Heartland Security is owned by 13 rural electric cooperatives in central, western, and southern Minnesota and northern Iowa. Our employees live and work in the communities that we serve.
Heartland Security Services, LLC is started by a group of nine electric cooperatives (BENCO Electric, Brown County Rural Electric, Federated Rural Electric, Iowa Lakes Electric, McLeod Cooperative Power Association, Meeker Cooperative Light & Power Association, Runestone Electric Association, Stearns Electric Association, and Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association) in order for each cooperative to have an additional product line to sell to their customers. Heartland Security began by sharing office space with Stearns Electric at 900 Kraft Dr E in Melrose, MN.

A 10th cooperative, Kandiyohi Power Cooperative, joined in ownership.

Heartland Security moved to its own space at 213 8th Ave NW, Suite 2, Melrose, MN. Three other cooperatives (Tri-County Electric Cooperative, People’s Energy Cooperative, and Freeborn Mower Cooperative Services) joined in ownership of Heartland Security.

Heartland Security was recognized as the Western Division Security Pro Dealer of the Year.

A 14th cooperative, Hawkeye REC, joined in ownership.

Heartland Security received again the same award as in 2009, now renamed as the Great Lakes Region Security Pro Dealer of the Year.

Heartland Security acquired Peart & Associates of Willmar, MN, adding almost 400 accounts and two technicians.

Heartland Security acquired accounts from Tri Comm Security Services of St. Cloud, MN.
Heartland Security acquired accounts from Appollo Security of Alexandria, MN.
Heartland Security acquired accounts from DAC Security Systems of Fort Dodge, IA.

Two of our owner cooperatives, Hawkeye REC and Tri-County Electric Cooperative, merged to form MiEnergy Cooperative.
Heartland Security acquired medical alert accounts from Help Button LLC.
Heartland Security acquired security accounts from AcenTek of Houston, MN.

Heartland Security acquired ag monitoring accounts from Midland Power Cooperative of Jefferson, IA, adding one technician.

The goal for starting Heartland Security was to bring a true value-added service to each of the cooperatives’ current membership. Forming Heartland Security allowed the cooperatives to pool their resources so they could offer this service at competitive prices and with better customer service.
Our mission
Our mission is to enrich the lives of our customers by protecting their families, homes, and businesses with innovative technologies, quality equipment, skilled installation, caring service, and trusted monitoring.
Our promise
Our International UL-listed response center, located in Rockford, MN, is staffed by highly trained dispatchers who are there 24 hours-a-day, 365 days-a-year. In addition to providing system response, technicians are also available for technical support and to help customers with everyday questions about system operation. No matter when or why clients call, they can expect helpful, qualified, and seasoned associates to help them both promptly and professionally.
Our dedication
Every Heartland Security solution is unique and custom designed for the customer. We take pride in delivering the best service, sales, and installation, and in staying at the forefront of technology and advanced security offerings.