Local Monitoring
Get a Free Security AnalysisWe’re always on alert
Your Heartland Security alarm system is monitored by highly skilled, certified professionals, 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week, 365 days-a-year. Our UL-listed center in Rockford, MN, has been awarded the “Five Diamond” certification in recognition of its employee certification in emergency dispatch response and customer service. With state-of-the-art technology and redundant communication systems, our response center is always available to respond to any alarm.
What happens when your alarm sounds?
- The alarm has been triggered by a break-in, fire, smoke, carbon monoxide, water damage, or extreme temperatures.
- A signal is sent immediately to the Heartland Security monitoring center.
- A trained dispatcher calls you or the authorities, depending on the alarm.
- Emergency personnel may be dispatched to your home or business.