No, you do not need to a landline or home phone to have a security system. Instead, you can use a cellular communicator, which uses cellular data networks to allow a security system to communicate with a response center.

If there is no landline or regular telephone line, a cellular communicator serves as the primary communication point between a security system and a response center. A cellular communicator can also serve as a back-up method for a landline in case the phone line is cut.
Cellular communicators are also the primary form of communication for devices through our interactive services partner Alarm.com. Smart home services, also known as home automation or interactive services, include controlling your thermostats, lights, or locks, and arming or disarming your system from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. The ability to remotely control devices at your home is possible because of cellular communicators.
If you’re without a landline, you’re not alone. On July 8, 2014, the Chicago Tribune reported that 40% of households now do not have a landline, compared with 25% a decade ago, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Health Interview Survey, given twice a year.
Occasionally, cellular communicators will need to be upgraded. For example, because cellular technology has improved rapidly in the last few years, some cell companies discontinued 2G cellular wireless services starting January 1, 2015. This 2G sunset means that older 2G cellular communicators need to be upgraded to newer technology. Heartland Security has notified affected customers and scheduling upgrades to make sure service is not interrupted.
Updated July 26, 2016