picture of students with finished farmhouse coat racks

Heartland Security Sponsors Farmhouse Coat Rack Youth Class

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On Saturday, March 30, from 9am-12pm, along with the Central Minnesota Builders Association, Heartland Security sponsored a Community Education class in St. Cloud for K-6 students to build a farmhouse coat rack. We had 15 participants and everyone got pizza and cookies for lunch! Take a look through the pictures below to see how the project came together.

Apollo High School Tech Ed instructor Mark Weimer shows the finished project while safety instructions to the students and their parents.
Everyone begins assembling their materials.
Putting the hooks on is one of the first steps
Here she’s marking where the screws for the hooks will go.
This 5 year old was very excited to screw in the hooks!
This was a step some of the older kids could handle on their own.
It was great to see the parents helping their kids rather than doing it for them.
Students make pockets in the wood in order to screw 2 pieces of wood together.
Sometimes tiptoes were needed!
Using chalkboard paint is a blast!
Mr. Weimer is giving more instructions on the last few steps of the project.
Mr. Weimer explained how to use the router and that most injuries he sees come from using a chisel after using the router, so he wanted everyone to be extra cautious.
The router was more of an “adult” activity, but some of the older kids were able to use it with help.
The router made a lot of sawdust!
The coat racks are near completion!
The students with their finished coat racks!

Students were able to take 3 surfaces home for their coat rack – a white board, a chalkboard, and a metal plate. It was great to see the kids and their parents making a project together. Thanks to our sponsorship, the class was very affordable and we look forward to sponsoring again in the future!