We’re just over halfway through the year and public safety officials are worried about the number of people who have been killed in car accidents this year. With 206 deaths so far this year, there has been a 21 percent increase in the number of traffic fatalities from last year.
Motorcyclist deaths have had the biggest increase with 37 deaths so far this year, up a staggering 56 percent compared to this time last year. Pedestrian deaths have also doubled compared to last year, with 17 people killed this year compared to 8 last year at this time.
While almost 95% of Minnesotans regularly use seatbelts, in 2013, 94 people, or around 35% of the total number of traffic fatalities that year were not buckled up.
Other Contributing Factors
Other contributing factors in fatal crashes include driver inattention, speed, failure to yield the right of way, and following too closely.
In 2014, over 25,000 drivers were arrested for DWI (driving while intoxicated). According to the MN DPS, that’s “equivalent to nearly three DWI arrests per hour.” Even worse, 1 in 7 drivers in Minnesota has a DWI, and between 2003 and 2013, drunk driving was responsible for one of every 3 traffic deaths.
While the above statistics are grim, overall, Minnesota has one of the lowest fatality rates per 100 million vehicle miles traveled, at .68 deaths. In fact, 2014 had the lowest number of traffic fatalities since 1944. So while there has been a consistent downward trend in the number of deaths, every one of those is still someone’s daughter, son, or friend.
With morning and evening rush hours as the most common times for fatal crashes, make sure you pay attention, watch your speed and distance from other cars, and don’t drink and drive. It’s not worth the risk.
Sources: KAAL-TV – Minnesota Traffic Deaths Surpass 200 for the Year, Minnesota Department of Public Safety – Minnesota Traffic Crashes Up, Fatalities Down, MN DPS – Minnesota Traffic Fatalities Lowest Since World War II, MPR News – Alarming trend: Minnesota motorcyclist deaths up 56 percent, MPR News – Grim road: Minnesota traffic deaths leap in 2015