Heartland Security celebrated a great 2018 with our employees at our annual holiday party earlier this month. 2018 was a great year for us and we’re thankful for our customers and current and retired employees!

Heartland Security employees and their guests made guesses as to how many ornaments were in a jar, how many “snowballs” (cotton balls) were in a jar, and how much money was in a jar (with the winner keeping the money!).

Next, our Executive Sales Manager, Corey Pierce, presented the 2018 award for sales excellence to Matt Eggert.

We recognized employees who have been with Heartland Security for 5 and 10 years: Carrie Schiltz(10 years), Andrea Bussmann (10 years), Adam Hanson (5 years), and Vern Zimmer (5 years).

Then it was time for a fun game! General Manager Guy Adams, Executive Sales Manager Corey Pierce, Field Operations Manager Rod Elbert, and Office Manager Deb Welz served as the panel for our “Match Game”.
Marketing Manager Alexa Sandbakken asked a question to each party attendee and the panel and the attendee tried to match the panel’s guesses. Some of the questions were:

- Name something you need to wrap a gift
- How long does a typical New Year’s resolution last?
- Name a color that also describes how a person might feel
- Give a reason you might be late for work
There were some interesting and unexpected answers, making the game extra fun!
Overall, 2018 was a great year for Heartland Security and we hope you had a great year too!